Financial Services:

Broker Dealer Launches New Product & New Market with PM Leadership

  Written by Operations & Marketing Divisions


How to increase trades and new assets among active traders in the Asia Pacific segment.

Solution Delivered

Developed a bundled product offering to stimulate trades among active traders in the Asia Pacific segment. We did so by analyzing trading statistics of the market segment and conducting focus groups with a sampling of active traders.

Developed a bundled product offering to stimulate trades among active traders in the Asia Pacific segment. We did so by analyzing trading statistics of the market segment and conducting focus groups with a sampling of active traders.

We managed the development of the product in concert with the technology partner and coordinated the marketing and advertising campaign to promote growth in sales for a sample of customers in a “beta” test environment for six months. The product stimulated increased trading activity by 30% in the segment after going live in the first six months. Client decided to launch nationally.